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发布时间:2022-01-05 浏览量:443



办公电话: 52301036




“The Changes in Coal Intensity of Electricity Generation in Chinese Coal-fired Power Plants,” (with Xiaoyong Cao, Jie Mao, and Ping Qin), Energy Economics, 2019, 80: 491-501. 

“Did Natural Disasters Affect Population Density Growth in U.S. Counties?” Annals of Regional Science, 2019, 62: 21-46.

 “Environmental Regulation, Emissions and Productivity: Evidence from Chinese COD-emitting Manufacturers," (with JunJie Wu, and Bing Zhang), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 92: 54-73.

 “Spatial Temporal Dynamics of Urban Neighborhood Quality of Life,” (with Elizabeth Delmelle, and Jean-Claude Thill), Annals of Regional Science, 2016, 56: 687-705.

 “Regulating Land Development in a Natural Disaster-Prone Area: The Roles of Building Codes," Resource and Energy Economics, 2014, 26: 209-228. 

“Changing Energy Intensity of Economies in the World and Its Decomposition,” Energy Economics, 2013, 40: 637-644. 

“Differential Output Growth across Regions and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Evidence from U.S. and China,” Energy, 2013, 53: 230-236.

 “Estimating the Demand for Public Open Space: Evidence from North Carolina municipalities," (with Jean-Claude Thill and Ross Meentemeyer), Papers in Regional Science, 2012, 91: 219-232. 

“Sources of Energy Productivity Growth and Its Distribution Dynamics in China,” Resource and Energy Economics, 2011, 33: 279-292. 

“Natural Amenities, Increasing Returns, and Urban Development,” (with JunJie Wu), Journal of Economic Geography, 2011, 11: 687-707. 

“Falling Commuting Costs, Amenity Advantages, and Suburbanization,” Annals of Regional Science, 2010, 45: 351-364. 

“Decomposing Energy Productivity Change: A Distance Function Approach,” Energy, 2007, 32: 1326-1333.

“产业结构、最优规模与中国城市化路径选择” (与王垚、年猛合作) ,《经济学季刊》, 2017年, 第1期。

“自然条件、行政等级与中国城市发展” (与王垚、洪俊杰、年猛合作) ,《管理世界》, 2015年, 第1期。

“城市规模、幸福感与移民空间优化” (与孙三百、黄薇、洪俊杰合作) ,《经济研究》, 2014年, 第1期。

“农地配置与农村劳动力外出” (与姚洋合作), 《农村经济文稿》, 2001年, 第1期。 


“Who Wants More Open Space? Study of Willingness to Be Taxed to Preserve Open Space in an Urban Environment,” (with Jean-Claude Thill and R. Meentemeyer), H. Shibusawa et al. (eds.), Socioeconomic Environmental Policies and Evaluations in Regional Science, Springer, 2017.

“出口结构变动与碳排放:基于指数分解的分析” (与裴建锁合作), 载于《中国低碳经济发展报告(2014)》(薛进军、赵忠秀主编), 2014年, 社会科学文献出版社。


