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1995―1997日本国三重大学固态离子学专业 博士

1984―1987中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所无机非金属材料专业 硕士

1979―1984同济大学硅酸盐专业 学士 


1987―1995 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 助理研究员

1988―1989 法国国家科学研究中心结晶学实验室 访问学者

1995―1997 日本国三重大学工学部化学系 访问学者

1995―2001 中国科学院上海硅酸盐研究所 副研究员

2001―2004 德国慕尼黑工业大学物理系 高级研究员

2005― 上海交通大学电子信息与电气工程学院、机械与动力工程学院燃料电池研究所 副教授







2006―2008 国家自然科学基金项目“中温固体氧化物燃料电池耐硫直接甲烷转化阳极材料的研究”,负责人

2006―2008 上海市浦江人才计划项目“多孔金属支撑低温固体氧化物燃料电池制备与性能研究”,负责人

2006―2009 国家863项目“中温平板型SOFC模块发电系统的研制”, 协作单位负责人

2007―2009 教育部“留学回国人员科研启动基金”项目“金属支撑中温单体固体氧化物燃料电池的制备和性能研究”,负责人

2007―2010 欧盟第六框架计划项目“Demonstration of SOFC stack technology for operation at 600oC”, 中方参与单位负责人

2010―2012 上海市科学技术委员会2010年度非政府间国际科技合作项目“含硫化氢的合成气为燃料的固体氧化物燃料电池的开发”, 负责人

2011-2013 国家自然科学基金项目“金属支撑固体氧化物燃料电池电解质和阴极多层薄膜的可控制备研究”,负责人

2012-2016 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“碳基燃料固体氧化物燃料电池体系基础研究”,参与单位负责人



1. Ulrich Stimming and Hengyong Tu, “25. Solid-State Electrochemistry (Part A)”, in “Fundamentals of electrochemistry—2nd edition”, Vladimir S. Bagotsky (Editor), Wiley-Interscience, 2006:419-441.

2. 上官文峰、江治、屠恒勇、沈水云 编著,《能源材料——原理与应用》,上海交通大学出版社,2017.


1. H. Y. Tu, Y. Takeda, N. Imanish, O. Yamamoto, Ln1-xSrxCoO3 (Ln = Sm, Dy) for the electrode of solid oxide fuel cells, Solid State Ionics, 100, 1997:283-288.

2. H. Y. Tu, Y. Takeda, N. Imanishi, O. Yamamoto, Ln0.4Sr0.6Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ (Ln = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd) for the electrode in solid oxide fuel cells, Solid State Ionics, 117, 1999:277-281.

3. H. Y. Tu, M. B. Phillipps, Y. Takeda, T. Ichikawa, N. Imanishi, N. M. Sammes and O. Yamamoto, Gd1-xAxMn1-yCoyO3-δ (A = Sr, Ca) as a cathode for solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 146, No. 6, 1999:2085-2091.

4. H. Y. Tu, W. Y. Sun, Y. J. Yang, Z. Y. Lu, D. Q. Wang and T. L. Wen, Chemical Compatibility of R0.6M0.4Mn0.8Co0.2O3-δ (R = La, Pr, Nd, Sm and Gd; M = Sr and Ca) with Yttria Stabilized Zirconia, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 20, No. 14-15, 2000:2421-2425.

5. Yasuo TAKEDA, Yoshinori SAKAKI, Heng Yong Tu, Michael Brian PHILLIPPS, Nobuyuki IMANISHI, and Osamu YAMAMOTO, Perovskite Oxides for the Cathode in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Electrochemistry, Vol. 68, No. 10, 2000:764-770.

6. Bettina R?sch, Hengyong Tu, Andreas O. St?rmer, Axel C. Müller, Ulrich Stimming, Electrochemical characterization of Ni-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2-δ for SOFC anodes, Solid State Ionics, 175, 2004:113–117.

7. Hengyong Tu and Ulrich Stimming, Advances, aging mechanisms and lifetime in solid-oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, Volume 127, Issues 1-2, 2004:284-293.

8. T. UMA, H. Y. TU, D. FREUDE, D. SCHNEIDER, U. STIMMING, Characterisation of intermediate temperature polyphosphate composites, Journal of Materials Science, 40, 2005:227– 230.

9. T. UMA, H. Y. TU, D. FREUDE, D. SCHNEIDER, U. STIMMING, Characterisation of polyphosphate composites based on intermediate temperature, Journal of Materials Science, 40, 2005:2755– 2758.

10. Lijun Liu, Hengyong Tu, Carsten Cremers, Ulrich Stimming, NH4PO3/SiO2 composite as electrolyte for intermediate temperature fuel cells, Solid State Ionics, 177, 2006:2417–2419.

11. H. Apfel, M. Rzepka, H. Tu, U. Stimming, Thermal start-up behaviour and thermal management of SOFC’s, Journal of Power Sources, 154, 2006:370–378.

12. H. Tu, H. Apfel, and U. Stimming, Performance of alternative oxide anodes for the electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen and methane in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Fuel Cells, No. 3-4, 2006:303–306.

13. Hong Lv, Heng-yong Tu, Bin-yuan Zhao, Yu-ji Wu, Ke-ao Hu, Synthesis and electrochemical behavior of Ce1?xFexO2?δ as a possible SOFC anode materials, Solid State Ionics, 177, Issues 39-40, 2007:3467-3472.

14. Harumi Yokokawa, Hengyong Tu, Boris Iwanschitz, Andreas Mai, Fundamental mechanisms limiting solid oxide fuel cell durability, Journal of Power Sources, 182, Issue 2, 2008:400-412.

15. Hengyong Tu, Hong Lv, Qingchun Yu, Keao Hu and Xinjian Zhu, Ce0.8M0.2O2?δ (M=Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu) as SOFC Anodes for Electrochemical Oxidation of Hydrogen and Methane, Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, vol. 5, no.3, 2008:031203.1-031203.

16. 王海霞, 屠恒勇, SOFC 阴极材料La0. 6Sr0. 4CoO3 - δ的甘氨酸-硝酸盐法合成与表征, 功能材料, 第41卷, 第3期, 2010:397-400.

17. Hengyong Tu, Xin Liu and Qingchun Yu, Synthesis and characterization of scandia ceria stabilized zirconia powders prepared by polymeric precursor method for integration into anode-supported solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power sources, 196, 2011:3109-3113.

18. 罗坤,屠恒勇,符显珠,骆静利,余晴春,VOx-Cu浸渍复合阳极支撑的抗硫中温固体氧化物燃料电池的制备与性能,功能材料,第42卷,S5期,2011:970-973+976页.

19. 刘泳良,屠恒勇,平板式SOFCAg-CuO-Al2TiO5封接材料的研究,电源技术,第38卷,第3期,2014:454-457.

20. 郭秘兰,屠恒勇,李斯琳,余晴春,基于La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ原位成相的中温固体氧化物燃料电池梯度阴极制备与表征,无机材料学报,第29卷,第6期,2014:621-626.

21. Xiaolong Yang, Hengyong Tu, Qingchun Yu, Fabrication of Co3O4 and La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ-Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ dual layer coatings on SUS430 steel by in-situ phase formation for SOFC interconnects, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 40(1), 2015:607-614.

22. 杨晓龙,屠恒勇,余晴春,SUS430合金表面Co3O4和La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ双层涂层的制备及性能研究,无机材料学报,2015,30(4):379~384。

23. Ye Zhang-Steenwinkel,Qingchun Yu,Frans P.F. van Berkel,Marc M.A. van Tuel,Bert Rietveld,Hengyong Tu,High performance solid-oxide fuel cell: Opening windows to low temperature application,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41(13):5824~5832.

24. Silin Li,Hengyong Tu,Lijun Yu,Muhammad Tuoqeer Anwar,Fabrication and electrochemical characterizations of Nd2NiO4+δ- Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ composite cathodes for anode-supported intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells,Electrochimica Acta,2016,212:303~312.

25. S. Li,H. Tu,L. Yu,M. T. Anwar,Fabrication and performance of solid oxide fuel cells with La0.2Sr0.7TiO3-δ as anode support and La2NiO4+δ as cathode,Fuel Cells,2016,16(6):822~828.

26. Silin Li,Hengyong Tu,Feng Li,Muhammad Tuoqeer Anwar,Lijun Yu,Investigation of Nd2Ni0.9M0.1O4+δ (M = Ni, Co, Cu, Fe, and Mn) cathodes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cell,Journal of Alloys and Compounds,2017,694:17~23.

27. 李斯琳,屠恒勇,于立军,中温固体氧化物燃料电池Nd2NiO4+δ- Ce0.8Gd0.2O2-δ复合阴极性能研究,无机材料学报,2017,32(5):379~384。

28. 陈松,屠恒勇,李斯琳,余晴春,Pr2-xLaxNiO4+δ基中温SOFC 阴极制备与性能研究,电源技术,2018,42(2),219~222。


1. 专利名称:一种经改进的电阻丝发热体

授权号:CN 2338935Y

2. 专利名称:一种固体氧化物燃料电池堆中的阳极膜-连接板结构

授权号:CN 2400908Y

3. 专利名称:一种陶瓷厚膜组合成型工艺

授权号:CN 1072621C

4. 专利名称:一种固体氧化物燃料电池堆用的复合连接板及制造方法

授权号:CN 1144310C

5. 专利名称:可拆卸的平板式中温固体氧化物燃料电池堆

授权号:CN 1004498460

6. 专利名称:固体氧化物电解槽的制作方法


7. 专利名称:固体氧化物电解槽制备金属的方法


8. 专利名称:高温固体氧化物电池金属连接体表面双层涂层及其制备方法





2006 上海市浦江人才计划